Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Art of Procrastination

I often think to myself: this weekend I'm going to write!

What's wrong with this way of thinking?

First of all, writing shouldn't have to be planned. Second of all, it should be done every day.

I come up with many excuses not to do it. Some of my favourites?

1. First, I should check my email/read the news/update my facebook, etc.
2. But there's a nice film/TV show on that I should watch for inspiration.
3. Maybe later. Let's listen to some music first.
4. I still need to get my groceries/do my laundry.
5. But my friend/boyfriend/relative just got online and we haven't spoken in....hours!

Of course there aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things we want to do. Which is why we should get our priorities straight. What is more important? Working on that international best-seller that is sure to win the Nobel Prize of Literature... or watch random cat videos on YouTube?

The choice is yours.