Thursday, January 10, 2013

Goals for 2013

Where did the time go?

Happy New Year, everyone.

It's 2013 and I am thinking about my goals for the coming year.

Last year, I increased my daily prose intake and read many books that were on my to-read list and more besides that I bought throughout the year. This is a good thing taking into account my complaints about barely finishing a book in months.

On the downside, I hardly did any writing. It can be a trial to find the energy to write with a full-time job so that is something I am struggling with. I have also been focusing on my relationship, which consumes my weekends and most of my idle hours.

So for this year, I will strive to write more poetry, work on my novels, try my hand at writing short stories and consider freelancing.

I am quite confused about this freelancing business. When signing up for websites, they mention a variety of writing software I've never heard about before, which probably means they would not accept my application. So how are you supposed to start freelance writing?

Do you take a course? Do you buy said software online? I will ask some fellow creative souls for advice.

If an experienced freelancer is reading this, do not hesitate to drop me a line!