Friday, June 10, 2011

Book Research and Facebook Author Page


I'm busy with research for my book. I will soon share a short excerpt so you can all get a taste of what is to come. At this point, I'm still exploring all the possibilities of my steampunk adventure so if you have any suggestions, leave me a comment and I'll take it into consideration.

There are some Victorian books I'd like to read (about Victorian asylums, hospitals, cemeteries, homes, etc) for inspiration and ideas. I love history and my book will be a mixture of history, humour and plenty of steam and spunk. ;)

Apart from airships, what is your favourite steampunk element? What absolutely NEEDS to be included?

In the meantime, I've started looking up agents interested in the genre so I can start sending out queries sometime soon (read: when I have written more than 1 page). This weekend will be dedicated to fleshing out the plot, potential characters and hopefully finishing chapter 1.

I will also try to keep my Facebook Author Page up-to-date. I just created it and it can be found here:

All 'Likes' would be greatly appreciated.


Roodkapje said...

Renate, let wel, daar heb je meer tijd voor nodig dan 1 weekend. Als je het goed wilt doen. No need to rush, dear! Eerst goed research doen, nadenken, schrijven dan 'tweaken' tot er een echte versie ontstaat. After all, when did impatience ever pay off? ;)

Unknown said...

Nou, ik denk dat 1 hoofdstuk wel mogelijk is in een weekend. Ik denk al de hele week na over het plot, etc.

Anonymous said...

Goed nadenken over wat je wilt schrijven, hoe het gaat heten. Niet steeds veranderen!
Ga het natuurlijk wel lezen en ben heel nieuwsgierig!
