Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Joys of Being Single

What's so bad about being single? Nothing, really but we are constantly manipulated to think that something is wanting when we are without a partner. We but need to turn on the radio to be bombarded with the latest pop sensation crooning a love song. What's all the fuss about? Is love really so indispensible? I don't think it is. Yes, relationships have their perks - someone to share your life with, to discuss your hopes and dreams with. But apart from the occasional romantic gesture on Valentine's Day, love is not all it's cracked up to be. Do we hear a John Williams soundtrack when we lock lips with that special person? Do we overcome all obstacles and get back together at the very end? More often than not, we don't. Not even close. Our princes would rather play a game of football with some mates, play poker or hang out at the local pub. Hardly romantic, is it? And then there's some of them who just sit around the house all day playing computer games on their playstation because there's this ''new, awesome game out!''. How many men actually buy us flowers or take us out to dinner? Not many. Besides, do you really want to sacrifice your spare time to babysit a 30-year old little boy? Probably not.

For one reason or another, relationships usually don't work out. Whether it's because we simply have different goals or don't get along anymore, no man is worth crying over. After all, life as a single woman has many advantages. We can do whatever we like! If we want, we can belt out all our favourite pop songs without disturbance. We can hang out with our girlfriends every night or call them every hour. We don't have to feign interest in his day-to-day sports conversations anymore or suffer through tedious chats about work, computers or cars. We can just sit back with a large tube of ice-cream and have a chick flick marathon without pesky boyfriends trying to feel us up or making us feel guilty for eating something with calories. We can flirt with whomever we like and it doesn't come with any consequences. We can have brief, meaningless flirtations just for the fun of it and go shopping without a comment about how ''you plundered another store!'' All those little habits of ours we try to hide to appeal to men can come to light again and even be celebrated. No more boys nights with rude friends we can't stand.

Singletons live life from moment to moment. They don't need anyone's permission to move to Spain if they feel so inclined. When in a relationship, it limits you. When single, you are free. And it's a great feeling. No responsibilities, no rules and regulations. You live life as you want and if anyone doesn't like it, they can go to hell. Really, is a romantic stroll on the beach worth all the trouble? When romance is so hard to find, why do we keep looking or even worse, settle for less? Let us be free and let romance come to us. And if it doesn't come, do we really need it?

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